Up-&-Coming Artist
Welcoming Artist: Holly Wojahn
by Tamara Hovhannisyan, PhD
Collectors & Le Vernissage have had a long lasting relationship with Artist Holly Wojahn. At the time when we discovered her, almost a decade and a half ago, the relationship needed to be matured and nurtured. After short exposure of her art here in the US, Holly discovered a flourishing market for her paintings in her home in France that generated immediate excitement from the art loving community.
But, as you know, life goes on, things change, people change their taste and acceptance level to see something else.
In Carmel, repeated local sceneries probably exhausted themselves and all of the sudden figurative and thought provoking art started to shine in regional art scene.
Being new, we had to take Holly’s work from our reserved package to reintroduce her joyous girl like uncontrollable happiness that celebrates life, here and there and everywhere with our Collectors. Holly is a woman that is a creative citizen of the world. Her brush commands and travels from Mediterranean Sea shores to shores of the Pacific.
Her works are poetic reminders of the innocent unity between man and woman that are treasuring the fruits of their love, forming happy families.
Such unity attests to the Biblical wonder that the unit of the two can create the third. The life of the two, merged with love, will continue in the exhausted eternity of the third one. The over exhausting drive for immortality will somewhat come true but in a blended form.
Holly is a beautiful, bubbly, and extra emotional woman, mother, and grandmother, who lives in the border of dream and reality. Her joyous characters inhabit within that border embodying her vision of reality.
Characters with dreamy eyes, clothing figures in the surface of shores, hiding in charming cafés, staring at each other, kissing each other’s reflection on ceramic coffee mugs, or trying to reach the end of the horizon by trying to hold each other tight in a bicycle ride.
Every single character in her canvas is an entrusted presence in the symphony of existence where colors are bright, life is easy, dreams are endless and happiness is bursting no matter what is going on in real life.
One has an impression that it is not her brush, it is love itself participating in the creative process.
One can never get old in her world. There will be forever spring, where the roses are blossoming, coffee is hot, and lovers are young.
Dear Friends and Collectors let us rejoice in Holly’s universe.